Monday 19 October 2009

Some Other Thoughts On What Digital Is

- Commonly difficult to define, digital is often used in context rather than having a specific meaning i.e. digital watch etc. it is the opposite of analogue but the meaning of analogue can be troublesome as well. It is thought of as a continuous entity whether digital breaks down into bits etc.

- Are humans digital in our thinking, how we perceive the world etc.? Language can be thought of as digital

- It is more important to be knowledge-able rather than knowledgeable? The key skill is finding the information, knowing which information to take on board.

- Digital is a common identity, a universal language and means of communicating, it can put people on the same level and is without conventional borders.

- "Re-framing consciousness" what is reality? Does living in a digitalised world mean we have to be continually questioning what is real and what is not? Where is the line drawn? i.e. a haptic arm can give digital feedback so handling a virtual tool feels the same as a real one.

- Digital, for an system based on order, has had messy origins, many pioneers were eccentric.

- Walter Benjamin wrote on art in the mechanical age in the 1930s. How art was changed by the rise of new technology of reproduction then (photography, industrial printing etc.), has links to how art is being changed now in the digital age. The changes brought by the digital era can even be compared to those brought by the invention of the printing press.

- Grey matter theory - the point where a computer can better itself and therefore could exist without humans. This starts to question what makes us human. What is post-human? The cyclical nature of the three laws of robotics stops robots from becoming self-determining.

- The digital exists in the 'ether' but also data-centres are required, it is physical in some respects but not others. The origins of the internet were in ARDOnet, a network without a centre.

- How might the action we take now shape the development of technology in the future? How might we anticipate it? e.g. The man who created the integrated circuit chip and went on to develop the concept of open-source, set up an open-system of team work contrary to management ideals of the time. This may have been because he came from a small co-dependant community where everyone's input was recognised as a necessity. Such revolutionary thinking which is needed to make such breakthroughs comes from a context.

- The democratising nature of the digital creates fear i.e. the firewall of china. Will this change/hold up development?

- The on-line environment is perhaps neither positive or negative but different.

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